For emergencies, call 9-1-1

Heat Stress, Sun Stress

Hot weather triggers a variety of medical emergencies. Even healthy people should take it easy during extremely high temperatures, and those with respiratory and other health problems must be especially careful.

Stay out of the sun as much as possible. Drink extra fluids, but avoid alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can cause dehydration.

The best ways to prevent a sun stress emergency are:

  • Drink water before you’re thirsty and drink often.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Wear a hat or cap, keep the neck covered and wear loose fitting clothing. The greatest amount of heat loss from the body occurs at the head.
  • Work in the cool hours of the day or evening whenever possible

Many electrolyte replacement drinks are available on the market. The Round Rock Fire Department does not recommend the use of table salt or salt tablets to replace body electrolytes. Electrolytes are crucial for the proper functioning of the body.

Common electrolytes are:

  • Calcium
  • Sodium
  • Potassium

Heat-related injuries fall into three major categories:

  • Heat cramps
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Heat stroke

Heat cramps are muscular pains and spasms that occur when the body loses electrolytes during profuse sweating or when inadequate electrolytes are taken into the body. They usually begin in the arms, legs or abdomen, and often precede heat exhaustion.

Treatment for heat cramps is to:

  • rest in the shade,
  • get near a fan,
  • pray the person with water, and
  • massage the cramp.

Heat exhaustion is a medical emergency. When a person is suffering from heat exhaustion, they will perspire profusely and most likely will be pale.

For treatment you should:

  • take the patient to a cool place,
  • applycool compresses,
  • elevate the feet, and
  • give the patient fluids.

Heat stroke is the worst heat-related injury. The brain has lost its ability to regulate body temperature. The patient will be hot, reddish and warm to the touch. Their temperature will be markedly high and there will be no perspiration. This is a medical emergency, call 9-1-1.

The emergency care of heatstroke is to cool the body as quickly as possible. One of the best methods for cooling the body during a heat emergency is to wrap the patient in cool, wet sheets.

Please contact us if you have any questions in reference to any safety topics at 512-218-5590.

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