Public Notice: City studies impacts of Southwest Downtown Infrastructure Project

The Southwest Downtown Infrastructure Improvements project will improve and develop Bagdad Avenue, McNeil Road, Florence Street, and Blair Street to provide residents with better access to adjoining businesses and downtown Round Rock. In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106), the City of Round Rock is required to study the project’s potential impacts to historic resources. Section 106 requires identification of historic resources and consideration of a project effects on those resources. Historic resources are defined as any property listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), either individually or as part of a historic district.

A historic resources survey of the area of potential effects (APE) was recently conducted in May 2016 to identify properties potentially eligible for the NRHP and to evaluate the potential effects of the proposed project on those eligible properties. To request a copy of the draft report documenting the results of this survey and the recommendations made regarding potential project impacts, please contact Chris Lopez, 512-218-7026.

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