Signal upgrades installed on RM 620

The City upgraded the signals along RM 620 in late April to the new standard Flashing Yellow Arrow displays for protected/permissive left-turns.

Flashing Yellow Arrow graphicThis work precedes the installation of a new coordinated signal timing plan designed to ease congestion along RM 620 in the AM and PM rush hours. The Flashing Yellow Arrows will be installed for eastbound and westbound traffic only at Lake Creek Drive and Deep Wood Drive. We will also install them at Oaklands Drive and the St. David’s Round Rock Medical Center driveway, but for the eastbound direction only.

This new standard replaces the use of a solid green circle combined with a sign that read “Left Turn Yield on Green” with a picture of a green circle below the message. We will install signs next to the new Flashing Yellow Arrows telling drivers “Left Turn Yield on Flashing” with a picture of a black arrow in a yellow circle with lightning bolts coming off the sides.

This sign is not required, but we believe it helps with the learning curve for drivers who are unfamiliar with the new display. This is the same sign we have used along Gattis School Road, University Boulevard and other areas where we have already upgraded to the Flashing Yellow Arrows.

The new Flashing Yellow Arrow display tells the driver they may turn left only after they have determined there are no pedestrians that they would conflict with and there is an adequate gap in oncoming through and right-turning traffic for them to proceed.

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