Purchasing is excited to announce that the City of Round Rock has partnered with Bonfire Interactive to create a procurement portal that will allow the vendor community to receive notifications for business opportunities and submit bids and proposals to the City of Round Rock digitally.
The City is implementing Bonfire in phases. Currently solicitations for goods and services are posted by Purchasing, while construction project solicitations are posted by General Services, Parks and Recreation (PARD) and Utilities on the City’s Solicitation Webpage. The Transportation department is expected to transition to Bonfire in Fall 2024.
Vendor Registration in Bonfire is free and easy. Be sure to select the NIGP commodity codes that correspond to your business or organization. Solicitations will be set up using those codes and will be matched to vendors and contractors with the same codes. Please note that it is important to keep your company’s Bonfire registration information up to date.
Bonfire offers outstanding vendor support. If you need assistance with registration, consider watching Bonfire’s five minute instructional video for guidance. For any additional support needs you can access the Vendor Help Center, or look through the FAQ. The Bonfire support team can be reached by email at support@gobonfire.com or by phone at 1-800-354-8010.
Purchasing is a division of the City’s Finance Department. The Purchasing Division is charged with managing the procurement of goods and services for the City of Round Rock. Purchasing protects the interest of City taxpayers and is responsible for assuring fair and equitable treatment to all vendors.
The City currently uses respondents registered by commodity code with the State of Texas Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) for solicitations.
Minority and small business vendors are encouraged to respond on any and all City solicitations.
Utilizing centralized coordination of purchasing activities, the Purchasing Division receives purchase requests from the various City departments and determines, with the assistance of the requesting department, the best method of procurement, including open market purchasing, informal solicitations, formal solicitations, cooperative purchasing and procurement card purchases. Centralized coordination of purchasing encourages cost savings through bulk purchases and consolidated purchases as well as compliance with various purchasing legal requirements.
Vendors interested in working with The City of Round Rock must comply with The Standard Purchasing Terms and Conditions and The Standard Insurance requirements listed below:
Standard Insurance Requirements
Updated August 2024

Standard Insurance Requirements
Contract Management
The primary purpose of the Contract Management office is to negotiate, administer, extend, terminate and re-negotiate all contracts and agreements (other than construction contracts) for the City. Responsibilities include preparing and administering procurement contracts, contract extensions, bid awards, Inter-local agreements, change orders, budget amendments and agenda requests. This office works with the City’s legal staff as a liaison between the departments and vendors in the execution of the resulting contracts.
Other responsibilities consist of evaluating and monitoring contract performance, determining the necessity of amendments, determining the possibility of extensions and maintaining compliance to contract obligations.
Statement of Purpose
- To provide the best service possible to all City departments in a fair and equitable manner.
- To ensure an atmosphere of equality to all vendors without regard to undue influence or political pressure.
- To protect the interests of the City of Round Rock taxpayers in all expenditures.
Required Disclosure Statement
Effective January 1, 2006, Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code requires that those who contract with or seek to contract with the City, whether they are successful or not, for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or individual or business in their dealings with the City must file a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire with the City Clerk.
The Questionnaire requires disclosure of certain business and gift giving relationships, if any, the individuals or businesses may have with local government officers as that term is defined under the new law. This form is to be filed no later than the seventh (7th) business day after the date that the individual or business (or agent) begins agreement discussions or negotiations with the local government entity; or submits to the local governmental entity an application, responds to solicitations, correspondence, or another writing related to a potential agreement with the local governmental entity. See Section 176.006, Local Government Code.
The vendor is required to update the form no later than the seventh (7th) business day after the date of an event that would make a statement in the previously filed questionnaire incomplete or inaccurate. Also, if the vendor files the initial questionnaire prior to June 1, the vendor must file an updated questionnaire not later than September 1st of each year the vendor has an agreement, or potential agreement pending. See Section 176.006(d), Local Government Code. A person commits an offense if the person violates Section 176.006; an offense under this Section is a Class C misdemeanor.
The Questionnaire is available for viewing and downloading from the Texas Ethics Commission: Form CIQ: Conflict of Interest Questionnaire.
See the law: www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/79R/billtext/html/HB00914F.htm
Compliance is the responsibility of each individual, business and agent who is subject to the requirements of Chapter 176, Local Government Code. Should you have questions concerning this matter, please consult your own legal counsel.
Should you determine that you are required to file a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire, please file it electronically by sending it by email to the City Clerk. A statement filed electronically satisfies the signature requirement and does not need to be notarized.
Vendor Self Service
The City of Round Rock has implemented a new software system, Vendor Self Service, which will provide added services to our Vendors. Included, are improved, new automated processes that will deliver purchase orders to our vendors via print (mail), e-mail or fax. After initial registration you’ll be asked to select the goods and/or services by Commodity Code.
After the vendor record is approved, you will have access to a variety of purchase order and payment activity records for your company. For example you can easily find if a purchase order has been issued, an invoice has been received or a check has been written, when and/or how much, etc.!
Current Vendors have been pre-registered and assigned a vendor number shown on purchase orders and checks. This number and your business Tax Identification Number or Social Security Number are necessary to access the records that have been transferred to Vendor Self Service.
New Vendors will follow the registration instructions and enter all required information into Vendor Self Service.
Once registered the vendor record will be reviewed and/or updated with additional information as required by the City of Round Rock Finance and Purchasing Departments. It is important that our records include accurate information regarding your contact and W-9 information.
* A W-9 must be attached before access will be granted from the City of Round Rock.
* Attach a completed CoRR ACH Form for direct deposit payments.
If you are unsure if your company has registered, or if you have questions about this process, please send an e-mail to vendors@roundrocktexas.gov and we’ll be glad to assist!