Community and Neighborhood Services
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The mission of the Community and Neighborhood Services Department is to enhance quality of life in the City of Round Rock by providing residents resources key to enhancing a sense of community, and preserving clean, safe, and desirable neighborhoods.
The Community and Neighborhood Services Department consists of a Community Development Director, two Neighborhood Services Coordinators, a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Coordinator and a five person Code Enforcement team. Together this team helps to revitalize neighborhood and commercial areas within the City using Federal grant and City of Round Rock funds.
Who we are
Commercial Redevelopment
This department is currently in the process of developing a program designed to revitalize older commercial areas within the City as well as to help facilitate vacancy issues for key commercial zones.
Community Development Block Grants
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that is made available to the City of Round Rock annually. These funds are primarily meant to benefit low to moderate income residents.
The City of Round Rock distributes the CDBG funds to nonprofit social service organizations in order to further the program’s goals and provide much needed services to the low income residents of Round Rock. Currently the following programs are being funded with the CDBG grant:
- Public Services that provide rent/mortgage, meals to seniors, access to a food pantry, assistance to at-risk youth and abused or neglected children
- Minor Home Repair that directly benefit homeowners
- Infrastructure Projects such as park or sidewalk improvements
Joe Brehm
Director of Community and Neighborhood Services Department
Neighborhood Services
Since its inception in 2012, Neighborhood Services has developed programs and services for active and engaged neighborhoods to revitalize themselves using community resources. Some of our programs are listed below. Please visit the Neighborhood Services page for a full listing.
- The Neighborhood Movie Chest is available to Neighborhoods and HOAs that are organizing a community movie night. The kit allows neighborhoods to create their own event to bring neighbors together.
- The City of Round Rock provides residents with the ability to borrow tools through the use of The Tool Depot and the Tool Lending Center. The Tool Depot gives users the opportunity to easily borrow specific tools, while the Tool Lending Center can be deployed for larger organized projects.
- The Curb Painting Program was initiated to improve safety in Round Rock neighborhoods by making sure that the Fire Department, EMS, and Police can quickly locate homes in an emergency. Neighborhood volunteers can borrow the all-inclusive kit at no cost to begin painting addresses within their neighborhood.
- Round Rock UniverCity is a 11 week program to educate residents on the operations of the City. Residents will receive an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look into City operations within each of its departments.