Environmental Initiatives

Construction Runoff: Can Have Negative Effects On The Environment

Construction runoff can have many negative effects on the environment, including but not limited to: 

  • Waterway erosion – Construction can increase the rate and volume of runoff, which can lead to erosion of stream channels. 
  • Pollution – Construction runoff can contain pollutants like sediment, cement, paint, fuel, and oil, which can harm water resources. 
  • Loss of aquatic habitat – Sediment from construction runoff can smother aquatic plants and spawning areas, and clog fish gills. 
  • Flooding – Increased runoff can cause nearby areas to flood. 
  • Financial and reputational consequences – Pollution incidents can lead to significant financial and reputational consequences for the site owner, developer, or contractor. 

The City of Round Rock is dedicated to limit the effects of construction runoff.  To reduce these effects, the City tries to keep vegetation and its root structure intact by avoiding unnecessary grading or disrupting the land’s natural shape whenever possible.  When that is not possible, the City uses silt fences, biologs, sediment traps, check dams, vegetated filter strips or sandbag barriers to filter any runoff to remove harmful sediment and pollutants before it has a chance to reach any waterways. You will see many of these methods in use at construction sites across the City.

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