Round Rock joins effort to fight invasive species in water supply

Round Rock is joining the effort to eradicate invasive zebra mussels from Lake Georgetown to protect the infrastructure that distributes the City’s drinking water.

At the Aug. 9 City Council meeting, council members authorized the Brushy Creek Regional Utility Authority to begin improvements at the entity’s floating barge that will help mitigate the infestation of zebra mussels at the lake’s floating intake structures. 

Zebra mussels are small freshwater shellfish that are highly destructive to the state’s natural resources. This invasive species has already invaded several Texas lakes, causing serious maintenance issues by clogging municipal pipelines and damaging water intake structures.

State law requires boaters to drain all water from their vessel, including live wells, bilges, motors and any other receptacles or water intake systems before leaving or approaching public waters. This applies to all types and sizes of boats used on fresh waters. Possession or transportation of zebra mussels in Texas is a Class C misdemeanor for the first offense, punishable by a fine of up to $500. Repeat offenses can be elevated to a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $2,000, jail time up to 180 days, or both.

Help protect our drinking water infrastructure

    • Clean and thoroughly dry every item that was in or near the water (swimsuits, water shoes, towels, buckets, toys, rafts, etc.).
    • Clean and dry dog(s).
    • Report any zebra sightings to
    • If you see a violation, report it to 800-792-4263.
    • CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY your boat, trailer and gear every time you leave a body of water.
      • Remove all plants, animals and foreign objects from hulls, propellers, intakes, trailers, and gear before leaving a launch area.
      • Drain all water from your boat, including the motor, bilge, livewells and bait buckets, before leaving a lake.
      • Dry for a week or more before entering another water body. If unable to let it dry, wash it with a high-pressure washer and hot (at least 140-degree) soapy water.





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