Conservation water rates are now in effect

As of May 1, water rates designed to encourage conservation are in effect. The conservation rates will remain in effect through October.

The City’s peak demand on water occurs each year during summer months. To learn about how you can use less water, visit The easiest way to conserve water is to irrigate your landscape only when needed, not more than twice per week, and not water between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., when temperatures are hottest.

Voluntary watering calendar

Property Type Watering Days
Residential Odd-Numbered Address Wednesday and/or Saturday
Residential Even-Numbered Address Thursday and/or Sunday
Commercial, Industrial, Multifamily,
Institutional, Government
Tuesday and/or Friday


Customers who use 18,000 gallons a month or less – 74 percent of residential users – will not see any change in their monthly bills.

Under the conservation rates, customers using 30,000 gallons per month would pay $10.62 more per month than during the non-peak watering season. Customers using 40,000 gallons per month would pay $34.12 more. Customers using 80,000 gallons per month would pay $128.12 more.

Water conservation is important to the City and our region as we protect this limited natural resource. The demand for water will continue to increase as our City grows. Ultimate planning for the City’s water system has included approximately 10 million gallons of water per day from conservation and reuse programs. To reach this goal, increased efforts must be implemented by the City to promote conservation efforts by our customers.

Our goal for the conservation rate structure is to reduce overall consumption by 15 percent.

To learn more about our water supply system, visit




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