Round Rock seeking input on policies for future growth

Take the survey

It’s no secret Round Rock is growing — but how the city grows will be key to what our community looks like 10 years from now.

Approximately 115,000 call Round Rock home today, and by 2030, our population is expected to grow to 160,000 people. In recent years, Round Rock has diversified our economy, broadened our housing choices, and turned our historic downtown into an exciting, authentic community destination based on input received on past comprehensive plans.

Land use policies will serve as the foundation for the City’s next 10-year comprehensive plan, Round Rock 2030. City planners incorporated concepts from the current adopted comprehensive plan and current trends in planning practice to draft the policies which have already been presented to the public for one round of input. This online policy exercise allows participants to tell City staff whether or not they support the latest set of draft policies.

Residents currently have a chance to give input through the Round Rock 2030 polling site at In order to maintain integrity of the survey’s data, users are required to sign in with an email. Polco uses a variety of publicly available data to verify residency and voter status of respondents. Note: Polco never shares individual level data or responses (other than anonymous comments) with the city or anyone else.

After this round of input, the land use policies will be presented to City Council prior to incorporation into the Round Rock 2030 draft plan. When adopted, the plan will help officials make choices about “what goes where” as they plan for the City’s future growth.

City staff expects to host in-person open houses later this year. To learn more about the planning process so far and to sign up to receive updates on the progress, visit





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