The Quarry

Resident concerns about Coronavirus shift in key areas

Round Rock residents remained concerned about the economic impact on the community of the COVID-19 pandemic, but fewer are worried about the impact to their households, according to a second online survey conducted by the City of Round Rock. 

More than 800 residents completed the survey April 10-13. The City’s first survey featuring similar questions was conducted March 23-25, just before a Stay Home order was issued for Williamson and Travis Counties.

As in the first survey, respondents frequently expressed their displeasure with those hoarding toilet paper, hand sanitizer and bleach wipes. While staying at home is the top answer to the question of how to help others, there are growing numbers saying the economy should be opened back up.

You can read the full survey results here.

While the local economy remains survey respondents’ primary concern, the ability of households to access goods and services is less worrisome than indicated in the first survey.

When asked, “What are your household’s concerns right now regarding COVID-19?” the No. 1 response at 72 percent was, “Economic impact on my community.” Respondents concerned about the economic impact on their households declined to 53 percent from 63 percent. Concerns about access to medical services, having enough supplies and having enough food also showed significant decreases from the first survey. “Emotional health of household,” cited by 52 percent, now ranks higher than concerns over supplies and medical treatment.

COVID 19 Household concerns chart

The increasing concern for the local economy may be reflected in the generosity of residents and businesses who have donated to Round Rock Cares, an initiative conceived by Mayor Craig Morgan and managed by the Greater Round Rock Community Foundation. More than $350,000 has been raised following the March 25 announcement by the City, Dell Technologies, the Round Rock Chamber and the Community Foundation, which donated a combined $100,000 to establish Round Rock Cares.

Concern that workplaces would be closed for an extended time decreased to 28 percent from 38 percent. Still, many expressed concerns about their financial situation.

“We only have $120.00 left,” wrote a respondent. “Last possible order for food made today. No more money to spend … It’s getting financially dicey now. Praying for our state of Texas. And TY for allowing me to stressfully whine. I am very aware that MANY have the same concerns. Thank you for what you do. We’re grateful but REALLY SCARED.”

A number of retirees also responded to this question, and expressed concern over a volatile stock market.

“As a retired senior, managing my 401k so it continues to grow is my job now,” one wrote.

The No. 1 response to the employment challenges question was “Not Applicable/Other,” so we created a tag cloud to give you a sense of what we heard in the comments.

employment tag cloud

When asked, “What kind of information would help your household most regarding COVID-19?” the top response remained, “The geographic areas that have higher outbreak rates,” at 52 percent. We’re pleased to report we are working to receive more specific location information on Round Rock positive cases from the Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD).

Some respondents also wanted information on how people are catching COVID-19. The WCCHD is now including that information in its Coronavirus (COVID-19) dashboard. Below are the results from April 16. Note: Community Transmission is light orange, Contact with Case is yellow, and Travel Acquired is red.

Round Rock COVID-19 Dashboard

As in the first survey, respondents said they are taking multiple steps to be prepared for COVID-19. Here are the top responses:

  1. Washed my hands more frequently with soap or hand sanitizer, 95 percent
  2. Not shaking hands or touching people in public places, 93 percent
  3. Kept space between myself and others while out, 90 percent
  4. Avoided crowds, 90 percent
  5. Stayed home more frequently, 89 percent

Not included in the first survey was the step of wearing a mask. Since then, the CDC has recommended people wear masks in public. In this survey, 61 percent reported wearing a mask when leaving home.

When asked what steps they have taken to assist the community, 88 percent responded, “Stayed in my home except to take part in essential activities.” That step had not been included in the first survey, which concluded prior to the Stay Home orders.

There were nearly 1,000 responses to the question, “Do you have other ideas on how residents can help others in the community relating to COVID-19?” Here’s a tag cloud of the top comments:


We’d like to thank all who took the time to let us know how they are doing and feeling in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. We, as your local government, can respond better to your changing needs when we have a clearer picture of what those are.

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