Work is underway on a new roadway extension to create a new east-west connection in a fast-growing area of Round Rock.
The City of Round Rock began construction in December 2024 on the Old Settlers Boulevard Extension, a project that will connect Red Bud Lane to County Road 110. The extension is part of the City’s Transportation Master Plan and aims to provide additional capacity and connectivity in the City’s overall road network.
The project, expected to be completed by early 2026, will create a new four-land roadway with a center median and twin bridges over McNutt Creek. It also includes improvements for pedestrians and cyclists for the full length of the project. A 10-foot shared use path and a 6-foot sidewalk will be constructed on either side of the roadway connecting to existing sidewalks within Siena and along Old Settlers Boulevard to the west, as well as sidewalks and paths along Red Bud Lane. Once construction is complete, local neighborhoods will have dedicated walking and biking paths that connect to existing sidewalks within the subdivision and new direct connections to Old Settlers Park. A traffic signal and crosswalk will be installed at the intersection of Old Settlers Boulevard and CR 110.
Public input was gathered through meetings held in winter and summer of 2021. Open house summaries can be found on the City of Round Rock’s project webpage at

The project budget is approximately $23.4 million and is funded by the City’s Type B sales tax and certificate of obligation (CO) bonds, in addition to funds provided through Williamson County’s Road Bond Program.
Construction Photo Gallery