Transparency: Traditional Finances



Transparency: Traditional Finances

Traditional Finances

The following summary data is from the government-wide Statement of Activities in the City’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). The government-wide Statement of Activities reports the results of the City’s operations on an accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recognized at the time the liability is incurred.

City of Round Rock, Texas Statement of Activities as of September 30, 2023

A budget serves as the financial plan for the City. Each year, the City develops a budget document which identifies spending plans and revenue estimates for City services. For a searchable database of FY 2024, click here.

Check Registers:
A check register is a listing of all payments incurred by the City. The check register includes payment date, payment amount, payee and type of expenditure. Data in the check register is not updated after it is posted. The register excludes any information that might reveal protected privacy information.

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
This report provides a quantitative look at the operating success, financial health, and compliance of the government reporting units. It includes a Statement of Net Position, Statement of Activities, Balance Sheet, a Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances, and a comparison of budgeted to actual expenses and revenues.

Lobbying Contract (PDF)

Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR)
The PAFR is intended to provide information about the City of Round Rock in a quick and easy to read format. It is an informational tool which refers to the budget document and CAFR information but on a much more informal basis.

Quarterly Investment Reports & Policy
The quarterly investment reports provide information and analysis on City investments in accordance with the Texas Public Funds Investment Act.

Round Rock by the Numbers
This quarterly report reflects certain areas within the City that show Sales Tax numbers, Hotel Occupancy Rates, Utility Revenues, etc.

Unclaimed Property Listing
The City of Round Rock is currently holding property that is presumed abandoned or unclaimed subject to Chapter 76 of the Texas Property Code. Any person possessing a legal or beneficial interest in the reported property may obtain claim forms on the website. A completed claim form in addition to the specified proof of ownership will be necessary to establish the owner’s right to receive the property.

Link to the Texas Comptroller’s website about transparency in government.
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