Adopt A Street Program



About the Program

As part of our continued effort to Keep Round Rock Beautiful, we invite you to Adopt A Street. This program provides an opportunity for participants to take care of roads and surrounding public spaces throughout the City of Round Rock, picking up trash along their adopted street segment.


Program Requirements

Teams agree to maintain one mile stretch of roadway (in both directions) for one year. The agreement is automatically renewed upon good standing.

Before holding a cleanup, teams notify Community and Neighborhood Services of their cleanup date and may request supplies through Community and Neighborhood Services.

Teams conduct six clean ups a year. The City of Round Rock can terminate the agreement if the team misses cleanup dates.

  • January 1 – February 29
  • March 1 – April 31
  • May 1 – June 30
  • July 1 – August 31
  • September 1 – October 31
  • November 1 – December 31

Program Support

Installation of “Adopt a Street” signs by City of Round Rock with adopting groups name and/or logo. 

The City of Round Rock will supply trash bags and tools for the group in the cleanup of their adopted area. Requests for supplies must be made a week before the cleanup.

Supplies needed to conduct the cleanup can be picked up from City Hall located at 221 E Main Street, Round Rock, Texas 78664.

The City of Round Rock will pick up and dispose of the trash bags filled by the adopters after they complete each clean up. The filled trash bags may be left in a neat pile in the adopted area.

Adopted Area

  • Participants will adopt a section of the city limits to be determined by agreement of the Adopters and the City of Round Rock.
  • The Adopters will appoint or select a team member to serve as spokesperson/contact person for the group if there is more than one individual adopting the area.

Street Segments

NOTE: Even if all segments are adopted, we still accept applications for future segments that will become available. Please complete the application to be placed on a waiting list. Thank you for your interest in our Adopt A Street program!

Cleanup Guidelines

  • The City of Round Rock must be notified in advance of the cleanup date so that arrangements can be made with a Neighborhood Services Coordinator to have the filled trash bags disposed of promptly.
  • All volunteers must sign a waiver before beginning a cleanup. They can be submitted to the Neighborhood Services Coordinator after the cleanup event.
  • Should bulk items such as old furniture, large appliances, etc. be found during the litter pick up, the Adopters should note the location and notify a Neighborhood Services Coordinator.
  • The Adopters should not pick up any hazardous materials such as chemicals or sharp objects and instead report them to a Neighborhood Services Coordinator.

Safety Guidelines

  • Volunteers must wear the safety vests provided by the City of Round Rock during the cleanup.
  • Keep a first aid kit on hand during the cleanup.
  • Only wear thick soled, closed-toe, comfortable shoes for the cleanup.
  • Volunteers must wear gloves to protect hands and it is recommended to use trash grabbers available from the city to pick up items.
  • Dress accordingly for the weather and apply sunscreen and bug spray. A hat and long sleeves will help to avoid sunburn.
  • Please make sure to stay hydrated.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and potential safety hazards: passing cars, road debris, poison ivy/oak, snakes, etc.
  • DO NOT pick up hazardous materials such as sharp objects, animal carcasses or any other unidentifiable object.
  • Please wash hands after the cleanup.

Road Safety Tips

  • Stay in the right of way. Only cross the roadway at designated crosswalks when necessary.
  • Groups should keep 5 feet of distance from the pavement edge.
  • Always work facing traffic. Never turn your back to oncoming cars.
  • All children must be supervised. The suggested ratio is at least one supervisor for every three children under age 15. Children under the age of seven (7) may not participate in the program.
  • Never walk on guardrails, and do not lean over bridge railings.
  • Watch your footing around steep slopes, trenches, or any type of elevation change.
  • Avoid using headsets, which can prevent you from hearing oncoming traffic.
  • Do not enter the roadway or its shoulder areas to pick up trash.
  • Obey all traffic laws during the entire duration of your event. Participant vehicles need to be legally parked and not blocking traffic lanes during the activity.
  • At no time are participants permitted to be in active roadway travel lanes or attempting to direct traffic.
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