Code Enforcement Officers enforce City ordinances that help maintain the health, safety and sanitation of our community. Strong, consistent code enforcement ensures safe and desirable living and working environments, helps maintain property values and works toward the City of Round Rock’s stated goal of preserving neighborhood integrity.
Frequently Requested Information
Code Enforcement Division
Community and Neighborhood Services Department
221 East Main Street
Round Rock, Texas, 78664
After hours: email an officer directly or use the City’s online service request form
Code enforcement officers are primarily based out in the field. If you would like an in person meeting please schedule one in advance.
- Margie Lopez, Code Enforcement Manager 512-218-7027Â
- Christopher Dailey, Code Enforcement Officer 512-218-5424
- Jay Johns, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer 512-341-3146
- Wallace Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer 512-218-7040
- Christopher Piwowar, Code Enforcement 737-349-2475
- Chris Walts, Code Enforcement 737-397-2292
To report a possible code violation or concern, contact a Code Enforcement Officer (above), or use the online service request form and provide the following information:
- Address of the possible violation
- A description of the possible violation
- If you want to be contacted later regarding the status or resolution of your concern, please provide your name and phone number or email.
Possible violation must be in public view when reporting.
In most cases, the officer will leave a courtesy notice (door hanger) requesting that the violation be corrected, with the issuing officer’s contact information. If the problem is not corrected, a formal violation notice will be mailed to the property owner with the issuing officer’s contact information and instructions for abatement.
If the property owner does not respond to a zoning violation notice, the owner may be fined up to $2,000 per day of violation. If the owner does not address a nuisance violation, the City may arrange to have the problem corrected at the owner’s expense, plus an additional administrative fee. If necessary, fines and abatement expenses will be secured with a privileged lien on the property.
Types of Code Violations
Some of the most common code violations are either Zoning Violations or Environmental Nuisances. Scroll below to learn more, or view resources for addressing other neighborhood concerns.
Common Environmental Nuisances
Environmental nuisances present public health and/or safety risks, as well as compromising others’ enjoyment of the city. If a nuisance violation is not corrected within the specified time, the City will hire a contractor to correct the problem at the property owner’s expense, and add an administrative fee. If unpaid, these costs may be secured by a privileged lien on the property.
Below are examples of common Environmental Nuisances:
(Part II Sections 14-177, 14-178)
Problem: Allowing brush, yard trimmings or rubbish to accumulate may attract vermin and can be a fire hazard.
Solution:Â Dispose of rubbish and yard trimmings promptly:
Round Rock Refuse will remove bagged yard trimmings up to (7) seven bags no more than 35 pounds in weight, bags should be sturdy and not ripped or torn and no items sticking out of bags. Brush has to be cut, bundled and tied up to (4) four feet in length and (4) four feet in height, bundle should not exceed more than 40 pounds in weight.
Round Rock Refuse will not pick up bulk items such mattress, appliances, discarded household goods, etc. contact Round Rock Refuse at 512-255-4980 and or email
The Parks & Recreation Dept. operates a brush recycling program, and will pick up brush and yard trimmings for a fee, and bring them to the City’s Recycling Center to be recycled into mulch, which is free to city residents.
Brush, yard trimmings, recyclables, paint, re-use items, and on certain days household hazardous waste may also be brought directly to the Recycling Center at 310 Deepwood Drive. Please refer to the solid waste & recycling web page for hours and what materials are accepted.
(Part II Sections 14-179, 14-183)
Problem:Â Tall Grass and weeds not only make the neighborhood unsightly, but may also create fire hazards, harbor vermin, produce allergens and allow weeds to seed and spread to other properties.
Solutions:Â Keep lawns and lots mowed to control weeds and keep the lawn healthy. Grass and/or weeds over twelve inches high is considered a code violation. Mow tall grass and weeds and underbrush on entire premises to include to the street curb of property. If you have a native landscape and a complaint is filed, you will be asked to produce a landscape plan to show that the yard is indeed landscaped and not just neglected.
(Part II Sections 14-174, 14-175, 14-178)
Problem:Â Stagnant water, in a swimming pool or on the ground, provides breeding areas for mosquitoes and may produce unpleasant odors. Overwatering your yard may cause water to accumulate on a neighboring property downhill.
Solutions: Keep up pool maintenance to prevent fouling of the water. Examine the drainage patterns on your property to identify areas where water may accumulate, and to be sure water is being directed to a storm water channel or drain, not your neighbor’s property.
(Part II Sections 14-176, 14-178)
Problem:Â Decaying or unsanitary waste (usually food waste) creates odors, attracts pests, and may harbor disease.
Solution: Put garbage out for collection if services are available at premises. If regular garbage service has been discontinued or is otherwise unavailable, contact Round Rock Refuse at 512.255.4980 and or email to schedule a special pickup. You may also bring garbage to the Williamson County Landfill & Recycling Center at 600 Landill Rd., Hutto.
Small dead animals may be placed in a plastic bag and put out with the regular garbage collection, or may be disposed of by a pest control company. If a dead animal is creating a traffic hazard, contact Animal Control at 512-218-5500.
(Part II Section 14-178)
Problem:Â Structures or landscaping that obstruct sight lines for drivers and others (typically at street corners), or impedes a public way (e.g. sidewalk).
Solution: Plan and maintain landscaping appropriately. Within 40 feet of an intersection landscape materials are prohibited at eye level (between 3 and 10 feet from grade). Tree trunks are allowed at this height, but no foliage may extend below 10 feet. Refer to guidelines for “sight triangles” in Part III Section 8-10 (e) (8). Fences in the street yard (between the main building and the street) may be no taller than three feet (6 feet for wrought iron).
A few guidelines for Low-hanging tree branches over sidewalk/street:
Sec. 42-355. – Minimum clearance of trees in sidewalk areas.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of any property in the city to maintain or permit limbs of trees growing thereon to overhang or grow above the area between his property line and the curb line of any abutting street, unless such limbs and all branches and foliage thereon are kept trimmed and pruned to a minimum clearance of eight feet above the street level at the nearest curb line.
42-357. – Authority of director of planning to trim, remove, etc.
The director of planning is hereby authorized to remove, or cause to be removed, any trees or plants found between the opposite curb lines in any street in the city and to trim branches, limbs, or foliage of any tree or plant which overhangs or grows above the area which lies between the opposite curb lines of any street, so as to provide a minimum clearance of eight feet above the street level at the curb line and so as to be graduated toward the center of the street to a clearance of 12 feet above the street level at the center of the street.
Common Zoning Violations
The zoning ordinance restricts land uses to areas where they do not conflict with each other; in particular, to protect residential neighborhoods from noisier, busier commercial and industrial uses. Penalties for zoning violations are assessed by a judge and may include fines of up to $2,000 per day, which if necessary may be secured by a property lien.
Below are examples of common Environmental Nuisances:
A few guidelines:
Collection by city. The city or its contractor will collect refuse from residential customers once weekly and it shall be the duty of any person owning, occupying, managing, operating, leasing or renting any residential premises to place the refuse carts at the curb on the street prior to 7:00 a.m. on the day established for collection, but no earlier than 7:00 a.m. the day prior to the established collection day. Refuse containers shall be removed no later than 7:00 p.m. on the day after the collection day.
Storage of containers. Refuse containers shall be stored behind the front building wall of the residential structure when not placed out for collection.
Sec. 32-23 – General commercial refuse
Collection. Refuse containers shall not be placed out for collection earlier than 5:00 p.m. on the business day prior to the established collection day and shall be moved from the collection site no later than 7:00 a.m. the day after the collection day. For the purposes of this section, a business day shall be defined as any day the City of Round Rock offices are open for business.
A few guidelines:Â Â These regulations shall apply only to fences that:
- Face a public street, a public park, a public recreation facility, a school, a library, or a government office; or
- Are adjacent to a public drainage facility and are visible from a public street.
Fences are not required in the SF-2 district. However, the owners of fences subject to this section shall maintain fences in a safe condition and in good repair, with all components free from deterioration, dilapidation, rot, rust, loosening, or leaning. Fences shall be able to withstand the wind load for which they were designed. In addition, the following regulations shall apply:
- A fence shall not be out of vertical alignment more than one (1) foot from the vertical measured at the top of the fence, with the exception of fencing measuring four (4) feet or less in height, which vertical alignment shall not be more than six (6) inches from the vertical measured at the top of the fence.
- A fence shall not have any broken, loose, damaged or rotted components having a combined total area of twenty (20) square feet or more, said area being calculated over any 50 contiguous linear foot section of fence.
- A fence shall not have any missing posts, panels, or pickets.
- Painted fence components shall be regularly maintained to prevent rusting, peeling, or blistering surfaces.
If the city determines a fence is unsafe, dilapidated or a public nuisance, or otherwise in violation of this chapter, it shall be repaired, replaced or demolished within 60 days upon first notification of non-compliance. Repairs shall be made with materials comparable in composition, color, size, shape and quality to the original fence. Products not intended to be used as fencing are prohibited from being used in the repair of a fence.
Though some businesses can blend easily into a residential setting, others generate increased traffic, noise and other nuisances that affect neighbors’ enjoyment of their homes. In order to preserve the residential character of the neighborhood, a business conducted from the owner’s primary residence (home occupation) must remain subordinate to the property’s use as a residence.
Home occupation regulations are described in the Home Occupations brochure (pdf) and ordinance Part III Section 2-93. For specific inquiries contact the Code Enforcement Office directly at 512-341-3329.
A few guidelines:
- No merchandise may be sold directly from the premises.
- All employees must reside on the premises.
- Licensed in-home day care is permitted for up to 6 children.
- Some homeowners associations (HOAs)Â do not permit home occupations at all; if you have an HOA contact them directly.
The following are strictly prohibited in residential neighborhoods:
- Commercial repair or storage of appliances, automobiles or engines
- Storing equipment or materials in public view
- Parking vehicles with a gross weight over 17,000 pounds
The sale of personal belongings from one’s residence is permitted once every six months. More frequent sales constitute a resale shop. Signs/flyers may not be posted in the right of way, on street lights or other public property (see illegal signs, below). The City recommends advertising with a sign on your own property, or in a local newspaper, newsletter or online notice board such as Craigslist.
Signs that are unrelated to traffic control or safety are not permitted in the public right-of-way (roads, sidewalks, and areas adjacent to roads belonging to the city), and may not be posted on public facilities (e.g. utility poles, traffic signs, and mail boxes). These signs create hazards by distracting drivers, and public property is not to be used as free advertising space. The Code Enforcement division confiscates roughly 6,000 signs from the right of way each year. Please use other means of advertising, such as local newspapers, newsletters or online notice board such as Craigslist, etc.
Unsecured swimming pools can be life-threatening to children and expose the homeowner to considerable liability. Be sure that all swimming pool gates latch securely, and that the fence is in good repair. For more details, refer to the Standard Swimming Pool Code, or contact Building Permits & Inspections at 512-218-5550.
If you live in an area with a homeowners association (HOA) it may have adopted deed restrictions that are more strict than city ordinances, such as aesthetic controls. Deed restrictions are private contracts and are not enforced by the City – you must contact your homeowners’ association.
Resources for Other Common Concerns
Not all quality of life issues are municipal code violations – below are contact numbers for some other common concerns. Many of these issues can also be reported with the online service request.
Animal-related concerns:Â Â Animal Control/RRPDÂ 512-218-5500
Stray/lost/injured animals, animal cruelty, dangerous animals, animal bite incidents, loose livestock, dead animals on public property
Note: Removing dead animals from private property is the owner’s responsibility; place in a plastic bag and put out with regular trash collection, or contact a pest control company.
Abandoned/Junked Vehicles and Parking in Yard:  Round Rock Police Dept. 512-218-5500 (or 512-218-5515 after hours)
Don’t know what to do with your old vehicle? Many charities accept vehicle donations and will even tow them if inoperable.
Deed Restrictions:Â Contact your Homeowners Association (HOA)
If you live in an area with a homeowners association (HOA) it may have adopted deed restrictions that are different from City ordinances, such as aesthetic controls. Deed restrictions are private contracts and not enforced by the City – you must contact your homeowners association.
Gas leak/smell: Atmos Energy 1-866-322-8667 or call 911
If you suspect a natural gas leak in your home or outside, leave the area immediately and call Atmos Energy from a safe distance.
Report Graffiti or Dumping:  Round Rock Police Dept.  512-218-5500 (or 512-218-5515 after hours)
The Police Dept. takes reports of graffiti and dumping for investigation purposes, but it is the property owner’s responsibility to remove it.
Malfunctioning Streetlights:  Oncor  512-244-5824
Malfunctioning traffic signals:Â Â Public Works Dept. Â 512-341-3137Â (leave message after hours)
If creating an immediate traffic hazard, contact the police department at 512-218-5500.
Noise complaint: Round Rock Police Dept. 512-218-5500 (or 512-218-5515 after hours)
Parks maintenance:  Parks & Recreation Dept.  512-218-5540 and press “0” for operator
Power outages: Oncor 1-888-313-4747 (24 hrs)
Street & Sidewalk Repair:Â Public Works Dept. 512-341-3137Â (leave message after hours)
Water Leaks: Utilities & Environmental Services Dept. 512-218-5555 (leave message after hours)
Water leaks on private property are the responsibility of the owner; contact a plumber that does emergency service.
Refuse and recycling:
Garbage & recycling services  Republic Services 512-255-4980
Residential & curbside services; call to schedule a special pickup.
Drop-off Recycling Center (City) 310 Deepwood Dr.,  512-218-5554
Refer to website for accepted items and hours
Brush Recycling Pickup Request Parks & Recreation Dept.  512-218-5540
Williamson Co. Landfill & Recycling  600 Landfill Rd, Hutto  512-759-8881
Refer to website for accepted items and hours