In alignment with the Round Rock Police Department’s (RRPD) mission to provide public safety and promote a high quality of life in alliance with our community, the RRPD Community Affairs Unit provides volunteer programs and community events as a service to our community. The unit collaborates with a variety of community groups and organizations to meet a wide range of needs. With Round Rock’s incredible growth and as partnerships develop, the opportunities to get involved will only grow! Find more information by clicking on the links above and below.
This free event provides school supplies, vision and hearing screening, sports physicals, food, games, and other attractions.
A nationwide program emphasizing community responsibility among young citizens and public servants.
This free 12-week program gives community members opportunities to experience life as a police officer.
A community-building campaign promoting police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie.
Ensure secure delivery of your packages by shipping them to the Round Rock Police Department. You can then pick them up from the PD and have one less thing to worry about.
This informal event provides an opportunity for residents to meet and converse with local law enforcement.
RRPD collaborates with the U.S. Army to sponsor the annual Hike for Hunger Food Drive benefiting the Round Rock Area Serving Center.Â
Contact Community Affairs Unit:
Officer Earin Jackson
Community Affairs Officer
Jackie Fisher
Community Affairs Specialist jfisher@roundrocktexas.govÂ
Natasha Sawyer
Volunteer Coordinator nsawyer@roundrocktexas.gov
Sergeant Nick Simpson
Interim Special Events Fleet Manager