The Animal Control Unit helps to ensure that our community enjoys a high quality of life by enforcing laws that protect citizens from dangerous animals and domestic animals from abuse and neglect.
We investigate a wide range of complaints, including barking dogs, animal bites, and animal-abuse complaints. Animals may be impounded and quarantined when appropriate to address safety and health concerns. Animal Control Officers may issue citations for violations of City Ordinance or state law. By working to help the public have a thorough understanding of and compliance with these laws, we promote the safety and well-being of animals and improve relations between animal owners and the general public.
Round Rock Animal Control Officers can be reached at 512-218-5500 or animals@roundrocktexas.gov.
The Round Rock Animal Control Unit provides the following services for our residents:
- Controlling loose livestock on roadways
- Enforcing leash-law and other ordinances
- Investigating dangerous -animal complaints
- Investigation of dog/cat bites
- Impounding stray dogs and cats
- Removing deceased animals from public areas
- Investigating animal-cruelty complaints
Where I can get information about bats?
You can get general information about bats from Bat Conservation International at 512-327-9721.
What do I do if a bat comes in contact with a person or an animal?
Call Animal Control immediately at 218-5500 if a bat comes in contact with a person or pet. Try to confine or keep track of the bat until Animal Control arrives to capture it for testing. Confine pets that have been exposed to bats and keep them away from people and other animals until the bat can be tested.
What do I do if I see a bat on the ground?
If you encounter a bat outdoors, even if it’s on the ground, please contact Animal Control at 512-218-5500. If the bat is on the ground, try to cover it with something to keep it contained. If the bat is on the side of a building, Animal Control will assess whether it needs to be removed or left undisturbed.
What do I do if a bat is trapped in a business or residence?
Animal control will only respond during normal business hours. They should open a window, turn the lights on, and vacate the room in an attempt to encourage the bat to remove itself. If that proves unsuccessful, they can contact a pest control or wildlife removal company for further assistance.
What do I do if a colony of bats has roosted in a building?
The City’s Animal Control Unit does not provide bat removal services when a colony has roosted in a building. Many pest control professionals can help you with this problem, and Bat Conservation International can provide you with information on how to evict bats yourself.
What do I do with a dead bat?
Animal control only collects bats that need to be tested for rabies. If you have a dead bat that does not require testing, you should dispose of it in your trash bin, and Round Rock Refuse will collect in on your next regularly scheduled trash pickup day.
In 2019, Round Rock City Council passed a ordinance requiring all residents of Round Rock to microchip their cats and dogs. This change replaces the old paper registration system, so it’s not a new fee. The microchipping ordinance promotes the safety and well-being of animals by making it easier for Animal Control officers to get your pets home to you.
To get your cats and dogs microchipped, you have multiple options:
- You may get them microchipped at any veterinary clinic. Almost every veterinarian in the area provides this service for a fee.
- You may schedule an appointment with Round Rock Animal Control by calling (512)218-5500, and we’ll do all the work for you.
Round Rock Animal Control charges $5 to microchip your pet. The entire process takes only a couple of minutes, and we’ll handle all the paperwork to ensure your microchip is properly activated with your contact information, so you can rest easy knowing that your pet will always find their way home.
Animals impounded by the Round Rock Animal Control Unit are sheltered at the Williamson County Regional Animal Center.
Round Rock Animal Control Officers will impound animals found “at large” or in violation of the animal control ordinance. If an animal is not claimed, it will either be put up for adoption, transferred to a rescue group, placed in a foster home, or euthanized.
Animal Impound Procedures
Owner Determination
- The Animal Control Officer determines if the animal has a visible identification tag or a microchip implant.
a. If so, the owner will be contacted for arrangements to return the animal.
b. If unable to determine the owner, the animal will be transported to the animal shelter.
Applicable Fees
- Fees are collected when the animal is returned to its owner. Please visit or call the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter for more information on applicable fees.
Community-policing initiative ‘BARK’ released in 2015 to improve safety while encountering dogs
Pick-up alert stickers in Police Department lobby
The Round Rock Police Department, with the Animal Control Unit, has a new community-based initiative called B.A.R.K., Be Aware of Residential K9’s. The BARK Alert Program is designed to assist with improved measures in officer safety, and empower citizens with an additional tool that alerts emergency service personnel of their household pets when responding to calls for service. The initiative works as a deterrent for potential burglaries and helps to protect pets.
Through the BARK Program, the Department issues residents a BARK Alert sticker to display on main entry points of their homes such as; doors, gates, and windows. The use of the alert sticker is encouraged for households that have all types of residential pets. The notice can be removed and reattached if needed.
Round Rock Police continues to take action to improve encounters with dogs in the field. Our Sworn personnel received over 700 total training hours in dealing with aggressive animals. The Department has issued and trained officers with animal catch poles, which is a tool that allows officers to humanely restrain an aggressive animal. The BARK Alert sticker is another tool created for residents, to help improve officer awareness of the dogs they may encounter while responding on scene.
The BARK Alert sticker is available to the public at the Police Department lobby, during pet vaccination clinics conducted by local veterinarians and Round Rock Animal Control, community events, upon animal registration as required by City Ordinance, and from any Animal Control Officer. For more information about the BARK Program call 512-218-5500.