Round Rock Operation Blue Santa
The Round Rock Operation Blue Santa program is gearing up for its 46th annual Blue Santa holiday toy drive. Operation Blue Santa is a nonprofit program supported and organized by the Round Rock Police Department. Since 1978, the program has assisted thousands of Round Rock families and senior citizens in need. Together with donations from the community, this program helps those less fortunate to celebrate the magic of the holiday season.
How to Apply for Assistance
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Donations Accepted Year-round
Application Requirements:
- Current Photo ID (provide one of the following): Texas Driver License, Texas ID Card, or Permanent Resident Card
- Proof of Round Rock Residence (provide one of the following with current address in applicant’s name): Utility Bill, Cell Phone Bill, Current Rental/Lease Agreement, or Recent Medicaid/EBT Letter
- Proof of School Enrollment (any household with children ages 13 and under attending Round Rock ISD, charter, or homeschool must provide one of the following): Most Recent Report Card, Enrollment Letter from the school, or (for Homeschoolers) current enrollment or curriculum
***Applications are now CLOSED for the 2024 holiday season.***
2024 Operation Blue Santa Delivery Day: Friday, December 20, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
For more information, please contact Operation Blue Santa at operationbluesanta@roundrocktexas.gov Â
Hablamos Español.
Donate Toys
Operation Blue Santa accepts new unwrapped toys, books, wrapping paper year-round.
Toy Donation Guidelines:
- They must be new, not used. Unwrapped
- They must not contain liquid or powder such as glitter.
- No food
- No glass
- No stuffed animals
- Ages 0-1 and 11-13 are most needed.
 Items Needed (Boys and Girls):
- Wrapping paper
- Baby items/toys
- Rattles
- Blankets
- Wipes and Diapers
- Hand-held sensory toys
- Building blocks
- Musical toys
- Balls (football, soccer, basketball, etc.)
- Dolls
- Toy trucks and cars
- Lego sets
- Hand-held games for teens
- Wallets, purses, backpacks, etc.
- Jewelry (watches, earrings, etc.)
- Hair dryers, curling irons, flat irons, etc.
Drop-Off Sites:
- Round Rock Police Department, 2701 N. Mays Street, Round Rock, TX 78665 (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm)
- All Round Rock Fire Stations
- Click HERE to request a collection box for your business or organization.
Monetary Donation
When you donate money, we are able to purchase toys and food cards, which gives us the opportunity to give to more families in need. Any and all donations are appreciated.
- Paypal – account not required
- Venmo – @RoundRock-OperationBlueSanta
- Check – Please make it out to Round Rock Operation Blue Santa and sent it to: Round Rock Operation Blue Santa, Attn: Ivonne Duran, 2701 N. Mays Street, Round Rock, TX 78665
Another, more personal way to support Operation Blue Santa is to adopt a family. This is open to groups and individuals. We kindly request that you provide either a Christmas meal or a food gift card for the household, along with four gifts for each child aged 13 and under.
***Adoptions are CLOSED for the 2024 holiday season.***
Warehouse Volunteers
Join us in the Operation Blue Santa warehouse, where we’ll sort, wrap, and pack toys for Round Rock families to the cheerful sounds of holiday music.
All volunteer spots for Operation Blue Santa are now filled. We greatly appreciate the support from everyone who volunteered!
Donation events: We offer a variety of opportunities for you to contribute, with booths set up at various PD and City events.
- Public Safety Day
- Trunk or Treat
- Turkey Trot
- Light Up The Lake
Our Board
- Chairman  – Joseph Claypool, Round Rock Police Department
- Vice President – Christopher Ybarra, Round Rock Police Department
- Treasurer – Ivonne Duran, Round Rock Police DepartmentÂ
- Secretary – Zaira Amado, Round Rock Police DepartmentÂ
- Administrative Assistant #1 – Riley Stowe, Round Rock Police Department
- Administrative Assistant #2 – Rigo Valles, Round Rock Police Department
- Administrative Assistant #3 – Cindi Sheffield, Round Rock Police Department
- Social Media Specialist – Sarah Freitag, Round Rock Police Department
Committee Members
- Jason Bristow, Round Rock Police Department
- Brian Heldman, Round Rock Police Department
- Don Holland, Round Rock Police Department
- Lauren Brown, Round Rock Police Department
- Angela Carbary, Round Rock Police Department
- Chisholm Cardwell, Round Rock Police Department
- Elisha English, Round Rock Police Department
- Jackie Fisher, Round Rock Police Department
- Logan Harper-Hill, Round Rock Police Department
- Kacy Malish, Round Rock Police Department
- Tracy Lyke, Round Rock Police Department
- Miranda Skarpa, Round Rock Police Department
- Rocco Montorello, Round Rock Police Department
- Tiffany Hall, Round Rock Police Department
- Crystal Velasquez, Round Rock Police Department
- Alex Delarosa, Round Rock Police Department
- Thesia Black, Round Rock Fire Department
Mission: Dedicated to positively impacting the lives of Round Rock children and families during the holiday season.
About Us: Round Rock Operation Blue Santa is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that is supported by the Round Rock Police Department, governed by a board of directors, and staffed by volunteers and employees of the Round Rock Police, Fire and Parks and Recreation Departments. Support is provided by area businesses, organizations, and the Round Rock community.
This charitable outreach began in 1978, serving fewer than 20 families by delivering toys and food during the holiday season. Since then, the program has grown to serve more than 1,500 individuals annually! The program provides each family with a food gift card and Christmas gifts for each child aged 12 and younger. In addition, Round Rock senior citizens receive food gift cards and gifts.Â
The program builds and reinforces partnerships within the City government, local businesses and organizations, and generous citizens. This program would not be possible without the support of the Round Rock community.