Indoor Water Use

rr-indr-wtr-grphc-transWater used inside our property (homes, offices) is considered essential for health; while we cannot stop using water altogether, we can use it efficiently by updating appliances to high-efficient models and implement small behavior changes.

In the bathroom

  • Hot water on demand systems are growing in popularity.  While they do not actually save much water, they do reduce energy costs, as the water isn’t heated 24-hours a day, but only when needed. Look for an Energy Star model if you opt to install one at your property. Reach out to your energy provider (gas or electric) to see if they have a rebate for efficient models.
  • Showerheads installed in the 1980’s use 3-4 gallons of water per minute (gpm)!  Many newer models use 2.0 gpm or less.  Current standards require that showerheads use 2.5 gpm or less.  Look for new models that bear the WaterSense label.
  • Install faucet aerators that use 1.0 gpm or less; look for WaterSense labeled models.
  • Toilets are the highest consumer of water inside, around 30% of total household water usage.  The current state standard of toilets is 1.28 gallons per flush (gpf), which can save 4,000 gallons per year!  Look for WaterSense labeled models when replacing yours. 
  • See the Better Bathroom rebate on efficient showerheads, faucets, and toilets.

In the kitchen

  • Wash dishes in the dishwasher, rather than hand washing, even if not completely full.  New models use less water and energy than hand washing.
  • Install an efficient aerator on kitchen faucet that uses 2.5 gpm or less.  Look for WaterSense labeled aerators.


  • Save water and salt by running the minimum amount of regenerations necessary on your water softener.  Many water softeners discharge around 3 gallons of water for every 1 gallon they soften, which is a “hidden” water use, sinpromolabel_blue_askce it’s not seen going down the drain.  Be aware of this if installing one at your property.
  • High-efficiency, front-loading clothes washers use 35% to 55% less water, 50% less energy, and less detergent and are gentler on clothes.  Not all ENERGY STAR labeled washers are water efficient, so check the CEE list for energy and water efficient washers.  Apply for the City’s Efficient Clothes Washer rebate, if you qualify.
  • New hot water heaters do not use less water.  However, if they are Energy Star labeled, they do conserve the energy used to heat the water.  You may check with your energy provider (gas or electric company) to see if they have rebates.
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