Kenney Fort Boulevard Segments 2 & 3

The extension of Kenney Fort Boulevard from Forest Creek Drive south to State Highway 45 will provide a much-needed north-south arterial road serving east Round Rock. Kenney Fort Boulevard has been part of the City’s Transportation Master Plan since 1999. The City completed Kenney Fort Boulevard between Joe DiMaggio and Forest Creek Drive in 2013, and construction on the six-lane road extending from Forest Creek Drive to State Highway 45 is expected to be completed in late fall 2023. Completing this project will eliminate an existing gap in the city’s transportation network while enhancing mobility and providing an additional route for north/south traffic in this rapidly developing area of Round Rock.

The $23.4 million project is funded by the City’s Type B sales tax and $12.2 million of federal grant funding through the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO). Williamson County also contributed $1.5 million in design funds.

The project also includes installation of a new pipeline to expand the City’s water reuse program to serve new and existing developments in the area, and integration of continuous sidewalk and a shared use paths to connect neighborhoods along the route to the existing Brushy Creek Trail System and Old Settler’s Park.

Initial project work began in December 2022 with clearing and grubbing operations. The contractor has been placing all the underground storm sewer, culverts, water lines, sewer lines, reuse lines, and underdrains since early 2022. The underground work is nearing completion and preparation of subgrade is underway as of September 2022. October 2022 will continue to see subgrade work with flex base operations following close behind. The schedule is to begin placement of curb and gutter and lower layers of asphalt pavement placement early next year. A host of other ancillary work will also be progressing over the next 6 months, including sidewalks, illumination and fiber conduit placement, signal installation, etc.

Anticipated completion is fall 2024.

Public hearing documents below:


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Construction phase
CP&Y, Inc.
J.D. Abrams
Greg Ciaccio
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