Food Truck Permits

Requirements for MFE (food truck) operators

Mobile Food Establishments (MFEs) must have current inspection stickers from the Fire Marshall and the Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD) to operate anywhere in Round Rock. MFEs may stay in one place only at sites with active MFE permits.

  • To schedule a Fire Marshall’s inspection of your food truck and/or tent call 512-218-6628. Inspections are by appointment only and are scheduled Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8:30-10:30 a.m.
  • To schedule a WCCHD licensing inspection call 512-248-7620. The WCCHD office is across the street from the Fire Marshall’s office.

Finding sites for your MFE

If you are an MFE operator looking for locations that have active MFE site permits, please call the PDS front desk at 512-218-5428. If you are interested in operating an MFE at a Parks and Recreation Dept. facility, contact PARD at 512-218-5540 or

Requirements for MFE (food truck) hosting sites

MFE permits are issued to the owner or manager of the hosting site, and only where the site’s characteristics make MFEs a suitable accessory use. Vacant sites are not eligible to host MFEs. The site owner or manager is responsible for ensuring that all MFEs at that location have current inspections from the Fire Marshall and the Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD), and the site’s MFE permit may be revoked if it hosts an MFE without these inspection stickers three times in a 12-month period.

MFE permit applications

Use the City of Round Rock Permit Portal to submit permit application, attachments, and fees. Permit issuance and correspondence relating to the application will be conducted through the portal.

An MFE permit (short-term, long-term, or MFE park) only allows MFEs as an accessory use to certain other primary uses (listed below). No type of MFE permit will be issued for an undeveloped lot.

Short-term accessory use

Short-term MFE permits allow a site to host MFE(s) for up to three days per permit, and no more than four permits may be issued per calendar year. Refer to Ordinance 2021-187 for details regarding siting and operation of MFEs. Permit fee: $25. The following site types are eligible to host MFEs as a short-term accessory use:

  • Commercially zoned property with an operational business
  • Employment or industrial-zoned property with an operational business
  • Small-scale alcohol production facility
  • Event center
  • Community/government service facility/place of worship
  • Municipal park and recreation facility (PARD is the applicant for city-sponsored events)
  • Homeowner Association (HOA) common area
  • Public and private education facilities, corporate office campuses, and business/industrial parks where the MFE provides services to the students or employees of the hosting organization

Long-term accessory use

Long-term MFE permits allow a site to host MFEs for a calendar year, although the MFE(s) may remain overnight only on weekends. Refer to Ordinance 2021-187 for details regarding siting and operation of MFEs. Permit fee: $150. The following site types are eligible to host MFEs as a long-term accessory use:

  • Eating/drinking establishment on a lot zoned MU-1, or zoned PUD adjacent to a lot zoned MU-1 or MU-2
  • Multi-tenant center where the MFE is located within an internally-oriented pedestrian promenade which is not visible from the public right-of-way
  • Small-scale alcohol production facility
  • Event center
  • Municipal park and recreation facility (PARD is the applicant for city-sponsored events)
  • Homeowner Association (HOA) common area
  • Public and private education facilities, corporate office campuses, and business/industrial parks where the MFE provides services to the students or employees of the hosting organization

MFE Park accessory use

MFE Park permits allow a site to host three (3) or more mobile food establishments (MFEs) to offer food sales to the public in an area that has been designated and reviewed for this use. Permits are issued for a calendar year, and MFEs may remain on site overnight and may serve customers even when the site’s primary use is closed. Refer to Ordinance 2021-187 for details regarding siting and operation of MFEs. Permit fee: $150. The following site types are eligible to host MFE Parks as an accessory use:

  • Public or private education facility
  • Corporate office campus
  • Business/industrial park
  • Municipal park and recreation facility
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